School Development Plan Priorities


The main areas in our current School Development Plan are:-

To improve outcomes compared to 2023-24 for all pupils and key stages in all subjects we will:


 1.  Quality of Education

    Ø  Improve consistency of teaching and assessment for foundation subjects ensuring progress for all pupils.

Ø   Continue to support all pupils in order to close the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in all year groups,

     in R, W & M. 

Ø   To improve the quality of pupil writing across all genres in English and all other subjects

Ø   To develop greater understanding by pupils of how to answer problem solving and reasoning questions in Maths.

Ø   To improve the Personal Development curriculum for all pupils by including more opportunities for finance education, understanding

     a wider range of career opportunities and raising aspirations. 

Ø   To create a unique, relevant and exciting Outdoor Education curriculum for all pupils from Nursery to Year 6.

Ø   To expand opportunities to support pupil mental health by increasing the range of mental health interventions and services available

     both in and via school links to the NHS. 

Ø  To support pupils in developing the courage and understanding of safe ways to use the internet and social media.

Ø   To continue to raise the percentage of pupils reaching nationally agreed standards of education at all ages.


2.  Leadership and Management

Ø  Support staff in meeting the needs, more effectively, of the wider group of SEND pupils now attending the school through a programme of effective CPD and use of in class support/resources.

Ø  Improve outcomes for all pupils through further developing understanding and delivery of Quality First Teaching in the classroom.

Ø  Develop further Subject Leadership across the curriculum through focussed CPD and dedicated release time.

Ø  Develop the understanding of positive mental health strategies to support the well-being of all staff and pupils.

Ø  Implement clear mentorship of staff at all levels to bring support and challenge.

Ø  Continue to seek ways to expand current Nursery provision from 2024.


3.  Other Areas


Ø  Improve the environment and resources for learning in both the classroom and outdoors.

Ø  Increase opportunities for developing high quality parental engagement across all areas of school life.

Ø   Continue to identify the barriers to learning and meet the needs of our most impoverished pupils through effective use of the

    Pupil Premium fund in the school budget.

Ø   Improve attendance of all pupils, especially those identified as Persistent Absentees.

Ø  Work with the LA to improve the condition of our school building.

Ø  To embed the new Catering service into the life of Albany Village Primary and ensure the highest quality of meals are produced

    every day.


School Priorities for 2023-24:  These areas have been identified by the Senior Leadership Team and staff in June 2023 from: the emerging analysis of end of year data; monitoring throughout 2022-23; areas from SDP 2022-23 which require further consolidation or embedding; We may also add to these priorities, further information and data from pupil voice surveys; a parent survey and comments from across the year; comments from Governors and our annual staff well-being survey and SWOT analysis undertaken at the end of academic year 2022-23.