School Development Plan 2024 - 2026


Summary of Key Priorities


 1.  Quality of Education

    Ø  To increase the percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching ARE in all subjects.

Ø   To close the gap in attainment between boys and girls in all subjects.

Ø   To improve teaching and learning of writing so that a higher percentage of pupils achieve ARE.

Ø   Develop pupil use of inference and identifying key evidence in texts when reading.

Ø   Embed and further develop effective feedback and marking across the school. 

Ø   Embed strategies which pupils can use when solving problems and undertaking reasoning tasks in Maths. 

Ø   Introduce Zones of Regulation as a technique to support positive behaviour and strategies pupils can apply to remain focused on learnng.  

Ø  Embed quality first teaching in all year groups by further developing teacher understanding or how pupils acquire and retain knowledge. 

Ø   Continue to develop the Outdoor Education and Personal Development curriculums.

Ø   Continue to work alongside the Healthy Heads Team to support positive mental health for all pupils and staff. 

           Ø   Recognise that every minute of the school day is a "learning minute" and use time effectively. 

2.  Leadership and Management

Ø  Further develop staff understanding of the components of sustained, Quality First Teaching, in the classroom.  

Ø  As Budget allows, continue to increase the ratio of adults to children in the school - both teachers and teaching assistants.  

Ø  Support staff in accessing and completing National Qualifications to enhance their skills and knoweldge of teaching and learning.  

Ø  Subject leaders will continue to develop accessible, eciting and relevant and curriculums for all subject which is effectively assessed to show progress and attainment of pupils. 

Ø  Increase the specialist knowledge of staff in using appropriate strategies and skills when supporting pupils with SEND. 


       3.  Other Areas

Ø                           Develop a rolling programme of re-decoration and replacement of resources to improve the physical                      environment of each classroom and shared areas around the school. 

Ø                          Continue to work with the LA to improve the structure of our school building - replacing roof in KS2, girls               toilet blocks and heating system. 

Ø                         Improve the outdoor environment to provide more opportunities for play and physical activity during                     breaktimes, PE lessons and Outdoor Education. 

Ø                           Improve attendance of all pupils, especially those attending for less than 90% of the school year. 

Ø                         Increase opportunities for parents/carers to be more involved in school activities. 

Ø                         Continue to develop effective communication with parents/carers about school activities. 


Priorities for Whole School Development 2024-2025:  The above areas have been identified from the analysis of end of year data, monitoring throughout 2023-2024, areas from SDP 2023-2024 which require further consolidation or embedding, as well as pupil voice surveys, a parent survey & staff survey via the 2023 Ofsted inspection and comments across the year from parents and pupils; priorities for development identified by Ofsted in 2023 inspection.