Sports Premium


Albany Village Primary School are anticipating £17,580 in respect of the PE & Sport Premium funding for 2024-2025. We plan to spend this money as follows:-

      ·         Professional Development of Staff for the delivery of Physical Education.

·         Transportation to and from sporting events.

·         Purchase of PE resources/equipment.

·         Continued maintenance and purchase of equipment

·         Early access to swimming lessons where appropriate.

·         Funding a Sports Coach to deliver lunchtime clubs, additional coaching sessions alongside the PE curriculum and delivery of after school activity clubs.

 The PE & Sport Premium will continue to support Albany Village Primary School in providing teaching staff and teaching assistants with specific PE training supplied through ‘Create Development’. This CPD will focus on ‘Real PE’ and ‘Real Gym/Real Dance’ schemes of work, and be cascaded by the PE Lead. In addition, the PE co-ordinator will attend network meetings to discuss school sport and share good practice. The PE curriculum will continue to be enhanced with workshops delivered by Change for Life and the Lifestyles and Food Programmes. In addition, we will continue to train some of our KS2 pupils to be Young Sports Leaders who can support our younger pupils during playtimes and lunchtimes with physical activity.

Change for Life PE club during a lunchtime will continue in order to raise participation levels in sport for all children, but particularly those children who have barriers to accessing activities.  KD Sports will be delivering high quality PE coaching to every child in KS1 and KS2 for at least two sessions per week, providing an additional hour of physical activity for 100% of pupils, in addition to timetabled curriculum learning. This major commitment to the health, fitness and wellbeing of our pupils forms a significant component in our action plan.

Children from Albany Village Primary will represent the school in a series of competitive festivals across  the school year, including athletics, sports hall games and football. The Sunderland School Games festivals culminate in an inclusive sports festival for all children, in a competitive setting. Children will have the opportunity to represent the school in inter-school competitions, in addition to competing internally through opportunities in curriculum and club sports. Albany Village Primary School will recognise sporting achievement for all in the weekly praise assembly, both celebrating awards gained at additional sports providers for our pupils, and awarding our own certificates to children who meet objectives in school physical education.

Our focus is to provide the children with fun physical activities which will further support their physical and mental well-being by raising fitness levels, skills, confidence and self-esteem, as well as increasing access to all children, even when at home.

Albany Village Primary School hopes to build on its success and improve towards the “Silver” Active Sunderland School 2024-2025 award.

In 2024–2025 100% of pupils will take part in the whole school organised sporting activities, such as the annual Sports Day and Health Week activities.


It has been a priority for sport leaders in school to strengthen attainment in swimming  through timetabled sessions for all children in Y4.  Swimming will take place  on a weekly basis for all of these children with robust risk assessments in place to keep children safe. We will also be introducing a swimming lessons course for our children in Y6 working towards their 25m award as an additional opportunity to further our commitment to improving swimming confidence and attainment for our pupils.


The school maintains a commitment to ensuring the quality and appropriateness of resources used in PE lessons, and during active playtimes. A proportion of funding is used in this way each year to replace and repair equipment for all sports and activities as required.


This year the development of the outdoor area is planned to continue, with support from outside agencies and volunteer programmes. We continue to aim to improve the outdoor learning opportunities for our pupils, including through adventurous activities linked to PE. The ongoing development of facilities and staff training in this area will also therefore be a priority in the coming school year.