Ofsted February 2023
On behalf of the Governors and myself, I am very pleased and very proud to send out to you our Ofsted Report from
7th & 8th February 2023- click HERE to view the full report.
As you are aware, we had a two day inspection whereby the Ofsted Inspectors looked at every aspect of our school. The Ofsted
Report is an excellent reflection of the hard work, commitment and dedication that has made our school a “good school”.
Ofsted highlights how our children are well provided for:-
- “a friendly and inclusive school, where pupils are happy and safe.”
- “Positive relationships are a strength of the school.”
- “Leaders have worked effectively to develop an ambitious curriculum. They have high expectations for all pupils.”
- “Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to do well.”
- “The curriculum is carefully sequenced across all subjects. Teachers build learning in a logical way to meet the needs of all pupils,
including those with SEND.”
- “Leaders have taken swift action to improve the school. This has had a positive impact on the quality of education.”
- “Pupils behave well both in lessons and in the playground. They are kind and considerate to each other.”
We hope you are as pleased with the report as we are. Thank you for your support as working in partnership we have achieved this
grade together for our school.
Ofsted February 2023
On behalf of the Governors and myself, I am very pleased and very proud to send out to you our Ofsted Report from
7th & 8th February 2023- click HERE to view the full report.
As you are aware, we had a two day inspection whereby the Ofsted Inspectors looked at every aspect of our school. The Ofsted
Report is an excellent reflection of the hard work, commitment and dedication that has made our school a “good school”.
Ofsted highlights how our children are well provided for:-
- “a friendly and inclusive school, where pupils are happy and safe.”
- “Positive relationships are a strength of the school.”
- “Leaders have worked effectively to develop an ambitious curriculum. They have high expectations for all pupils.”
- “Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to do well.”
- “The curriculum is carefully sequenced across all subjects. Teachers build learning in a logical way to meet the needs of all pupils,
including those with SEND.”
- “Leaders have taken swift action to improve the school. This has had a positive impact on the quality of education.”
- “Pupils behave well both in lessons and in the playground. They are kind and considerate to each other.”
We hope you are as pleased with the report as we are. Thank you for your support as working in partnership we have achieved this
grade together for our school.